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a good deal on some trinities @ Walmart

Wasn’t expecting to find the Trinity on my late-night Walmart run! Actually, a pair of “trinities”, with co-equal prices.

Decorating the mantle or end-table with religious statues has never been more affordable. I know you’re intrigued by these low, low prices. If you live in Tucson, Arizona, you might be able to get the last ones.

I don’t know what the deal is with Jesus’ knee and calf. Does anybody out there get it? (click picture for close-up) Did he take a bazooka hit, or what?

Or maybe he’s just karate-kneed Satan bloody? Or perhaps he jumped on a live grenade, saving not only the other 2/3 of the Trinity, but the little foot-rest cherubs as well.

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6 thoughts on “a good deal on some trinities @ Walmart”

  1. The dove doesn’t sit well with the co-equality claim.

    Fortigurn is right about the Father, I think.

    There are examples more concerned to artistically represent the equality. Here’s one which answers Fortigurn’s question. Answer: shirt logo.

    These kind of look like iron-ons, but I could be mistaken about that.

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