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Hello from London

st pauls survivesDale Tuggy kindly set me up with an account here, so I will say a few words by way of introduction. As Dale notes here, I am a lazy fellow. Or as I say, just as a thing is more noble and perfect, so the longer it takes to reach perfection. I am still working on a book I began in 1984, and perhaps I can use my time here to develop my ideas on that.

My main interest is in the philosophical concept of reference, rather than theology, but reference underlies the phenomena of numerical identity and individuation, existence, truth, meaning, and the rest, most of which have a close connection with ideas about God and the Trinity.

Richard Cartwright spells out the connection in a wonderful essay here. If theological terms like ‘God’, ‘the Father’ and ‘the Son’ have singular reference, and if the verb ‘is’ in statements like ‘The Father is God’ and ‘The Son is God’ functions like ‘is identical with’, and if number can only result from difference or non-identity, then we soon run into trouble.

More later, this is by way of introduction.

Ed of London

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