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“Trinity” in paperback form

trinity by dale tuggy book coverSuppose you want to really study my entry Trinity in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. If you’re like me, when you want to really read something, you’ll print it out (and then proceed to destroy it with a pencil and a highlighter). And if you do print it all out, it’ll make your printer burst out in tears. The whole thing, with supplementary discussions, comes out to somewhere around 90-130 pages.

Instead, how about getting it as a cheap paperback?

Thanks to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Friends of the SEP for their permission to publish this in print form.

You can get these same formatted pages, and the pages of every SEP entry, in pdf form by joining the Friends of the SEP. I strongly recommend this to philosophy students. The SEP is a tremendously helpful resource. Your printer may cry. But tell it to man up.

Cover blurb:

This book surveys the ways analytic theologians have sought to understand the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Applying the tools of recent analytic metaphysics, logic, and epistemology, they seek to provide a self-consistent and orthodox way to understand the trinitarian claims of catholic traditions. This issue goes to the heart of Christian belief, and is central to theological disagreements between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Supplementary discussions survey the history of Trinity theories, unitarian Christian theologies, and Judaic and Islamic objections to Trinity theories. There is an extensive bibliography.

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