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November 2014

Christian-Muslim debate/discussion, December 12 in Melbourne

Announced on Steve Katsaras’s blog. Both Mr. Katsaras and Mr. Naga did well last time, which was a 3-way discussion: And here’s a later debate between Mr. Naga and evangelical apologist Samuel Green, called Jesus: Mighty Prophet or God with us?

John 8 brought to life

Here, courtesy of youtube is the main text discussed in the trinities podcast episode 62: John 8:12-59, culminating in “Before Abraham was, I am.” This is from the excellent 2003 Gospel of John movie, which is in my view the best Jesus movie, despite its bold choice to use every word in the Gospel of John. It is well acted and well staged, though long.… Read More »John 8 brought to life

podcast 62 – Dr. Dustin Smith on the preexistence of Jesus in the gospel of John

Does the fourth gospel teach that Jesus existed long before his conception, even before the creation of the cosmos? Most readers think so. But in this episode Dr. Dustin Smith argues that rightly understood, this gospel neither assumes nor teaches that Jesus “preexisted,” that is, existed before he was a human. He argues that we should read the gospel according to John in light of… Read More »podcast 62 – Dr. Dustin Smith on the preexistence of Jesus in the gospel of John

The Lost Gospel – Not Lost, and Not a Gospel!

Dr. Bob Cargill of the University of Iowa reviews The Lost Gospel by Simcha Jacobovici and Barrie Wilson. In his view, it’s a stink-bomb of a Christmas present. In part (emphases added) Just don’t bother. Were it a Dan Brown-esque novel, positing a speculative interpretation about the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene utilizing a fanciful allegorical interpretation of a document written six centuries after Jesus… Read More »The Lost Gospel – Not Lost, and Not a Gospel!

podcast 61 – Dr. Dustin Smith on preexistence in ancient Jewish thought

If a native English speaker says “you have a frog in your throat,” this means that your voice doesn’t sound normal, but is low, broken, “croaky.” It is a mistake to think that he is saying that you literally have a frog in your throat! What about when the author of Revelation refers to the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world and the… Read More »podcast 61 – Dr. Dustin Smith on preexistence in ancient Jewish thought

podcast 60 – Dr. Carl Mosser on deification in the Bible

Does the Bible ever speak of redeemed humans as “gods”? Many Jews and Christians have thought so. In this episode Dr. Carl Mosser takes us on a journey through this theme in the Bible, including Psalm 82, the New Testament epistles, and the book of Genesis. You’ll have listen to see why I chose a picture of Joseph in his career as the Pharaoh’s right… Read More »podcast 60 – Dr. Carl Mosser on deification in the Bible