podcast 201 – Kermit Zarley on Reformation – Part 2
How could God allow the church to err on something so important?
Dale Tuggy (PhD Brown 2000) was Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Fredonia from 2000-2018. He now works outside of academia in Middle Tennessee but continues to learn and podcast.
How could God allow the church to err on something so important?
Is reforming in light of scripture only acceptable in the distant past?
Can a unitarian Christian explain why God has the capacity for interpersonal love?
Apologist explains what any theist can, declares victory for his own pet theory.
Real arguments vs. pointed questions combined with incredulous tone.
Do we need reconciliation to God, while he doesn’t need reconciliation to us?
Steve Hays has posted on my critiques of purely philosophical arguments from theism to the Trinity.
Does God’s justice demand that he can’t forgive unless he gets full payment for sin?
Did Christ die in order to display God’s love for us, rather than his wrath towards us?
Did God punish Jesus on the cross with the punishment due us all?
What must I do, or what must I believe, to be saved?
Which does the Bible teach, that the one God just is the Father, or that the one God is Father, Son, and Spirit?
What, according to Dr. Sanders, is the crisis in contemporary trinitarian systematic theology, when it comes to the Bible?
The real question, I think, is whether or not this idea about “God” is consistent with biblical teaching.
“The Gospel is Trinitarian.” What does this mean, and is it both true and non-trivial?
What Origen actually says vs. what trinitarians wish that he’d said.
Kimel lampoons the biblical unitarian historical narrative, and urges that Irenaeus is a big problem for it.
Synopsis: I’m not Eastern Orthodox, so am incompetent to discuss the Trinity, and I’m somehow missing the whole point.