What is essential to the gospel, according to Luke? Part 1
What must you sign off on, to make the deal?
why I think you’re identifying Jesus with God
It’s because of the argument you made…
podcast 182 – White’s case for the Trinity – Part 2
Dr. White vs. John on the thesis of the 4th gospel.
Hays denies that Jesus died
The gospel commits us to more than: “Jesus died” is (somehow or other) true.
Some more replies to the triad
James Goetz and Corby Amos on the inconsistent triad about Jesus dying.
Christ didn’t die, but only experienced another’s death?
Did Jesus only experience the death of another, without dying?
Hays on “God” in the New Testament
One’s theology can lead one to deny obvious facts about the New Testament.
podcast 181 – White’s case for the Trinity – Part 1
Is this a powerful, state-of-the-art biblical argument for the Trinity?
Hays: another try on how an essentially immortal being can die
He tries his hand at a little ad hoc philosophizing about death.
podcast 180 – Apologists on how God can die – Part 3
Dealing with this inconsistent triad can be hard!
podcast 179 – Apologists on how God can die – Part 2
Can someone with two natures be essentially immortal and die?
podcast 178 – Apologists on how God can die – Part 1
Can evangelical apologists answer the question “How can God die?”
10 Practical Tips for becoming a Worse Apologist
Steve Hays provides a stellar example of how not to do apologetics.
“Identifying Jesus as Yahweh” as heresy
McLatchie’s mistake about historical, mainstream Christian theologies.