podcast 173 – Eusebius of Caesarea
Why did Eusebius have to submit his own creed at the famous council of Nicea in 325?
Why did Eusebius have to submit his own creed at the famous council of Nicea in 325?
The terms “atheism,” “monotheism,” and “polytheism” seem straightforward enough… BUT important ambiguity lurks in the root term “theism.”
My paper “On Counting Gods” has just been published in the new TheoLogica journal.
Does Christianity trump Philosophy?
We find miracle-reports in many religions. Does this undermine Christian appeals to miracle-reports?
“… and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
Can metaphysics show how trinitarian theology is coherent?
If Jesus fulfills predictions about Yahweh, does this mean that he’s Yahweh?
Do Matthew, Mark, and Luke discreetly but clearly imply that Jesus is God?
A tightly knit religious group can ignore outsiders’ criticisms indefinitely. But when insiders…
Joseph Smith made some bold claims, many of which
Is there evidence for God’s existence?
What if you believe in Christianity, and it’s false? Have you lost much, really?
Here’s part of a conversation I had recently with a guy in a Facebook group who when it comes to theology consumes almost only evangelical apologetics sources. I’m going to call him “Tim” here. The conversation illustrates a blind spot that I often run into, a blind spot which results from people who study apologetics being insufficiently trained in logic. All the non-theological points I… Read More »the apologetics blind-spot on numerical identity
If faith is not simply believing that some doctrine is true, what is it?
Is faith, as Mark Twain quipped, believing what you know ain’t so?
God is immortal. But Jesus died. Does it follow that Jesus is not God?