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John Piper in 2010, image from Wiikipedia

podcast 79 – Dr. John Piper on why not everyone is elect

If all and only people whom God eternally and unconditionally chooses are saved, then why aren’t all people saved? In this episode I interact with Dr. John Piper’s answer, which focuses on Romans 9:22-23

Dr. Oliver Crisp on Reformed history and theology

At the Research on Religion podcast, here is a new, wide-ranging, informative interview with analytic theologian Dr. Oliver Crisp of Fuller Seminary. He gives a sort of overview of the Magisterial (as opposed to the Radical) Reformation, and in the latter part of the interview he talks about his new book Deviant Calvinism (kindle). He also discusses the recent revival of Reformed Theology outside of traditional… Read More »Dr. Oliver Crisp on Reformed history and theology

analytic theologian Oliver Crisp on the coherence of Incarnation

Somehow I missed this when it came out back in July. Our friend the Tentative Apologist Randal Rauser has a podcast (itunes) now, and he’s done a substantial, no-bs interview of leading Reformed analytic theologian Oliver Crisp, of Fuller Seminary. Listen to it at Randal’s blog here. Crisp does a good job presenting and giving a basic defense of the coherence of the traditional catholic… Read More »analytic theologian Oliver Crisp on the coherence of Incarnation

Jerry Walls: What is wrong with Calvinism?

Devastating. I have long noted that Augustinian/Calvinist theology is unpopular among Christian philosophers, though many, like me, go through a Calvinist phase (when I was a sophomore and junior in college), before seeing its problems to be hopeless. Walls concisely and fairly sums up what Calvinism is all about, and then shows it to be profoundly problematic, focusing on philosophical problem rather than biblical ones.… Read More »Jerry Walls: What is wrong with Calvinism?