podcast 194 – God: One Person or Three? Sanders vs. Buzzard debate
Which does the Bible teach, that the one God just is the Father, or that the one God is Father, Son, and Spirit?
Which does the Bible teach, that the one God just is the Father, or that the one God is Father, Son, and Spirit?
What, according to Dr. Sanders, is the crisis in contemporary trinitarian systematic theology, when it comes to the Bible?
“The Gospel is Trinitarian.” What does this mean, and is it both true and non-trivial?
A concise and clear case that the NT authors held a unitarian theology.
Do the NT authors assume that God is the Trinity, or the Father… or are they confused?
“Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee… He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.”
How widely has God’s spirit been active in the world?
Applying the methodology… can we answer the question?
Two philosophers give us a sort of recipe for answering this question.
Dr. White vs. John on the thesis of the 4th gospel.
Is this a powerful, state-of-the-art biblical argument for the Trinity?
Dealing with this inconsistent triad can be hard!
Can someone with two natures be essentially immortal and die?
Can evangelical apologists answer the question “How can God die?”
His views seem to have been those of present-day biblical unitarians.
Marcellus’s theology is a key to understanding the post-Nicea controversies.