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podcast 51 – Dr. Ravi Zacharias on the Trinity

Dr. Ravi Zacharias is a popular, Indian-born, evangelical apologist, the author of many books and articles, a frequent public speaker, and a veteran of Christian radio. Recently here at the trinities blog I received a reader question about an answer Dr. Zacharias gave about the Trinity in a recent public talk. In this episode, I review and critically examine that answer, and a few other of his… Read More »podcast 51 – Dr. Ravi Zacharias on the Trinity

podcast 50 – Muslim apologist Dr. Laurence B. Brown on the Trinity

Dr. Laurence Brown is an opthamologist, author, and Muslim apologist. In this episode of The Deen Show (“Deen” is Arabic for “religion” or “religious practice.”), he gave his “Top 10 Reasons Why The Trinity Is Invalid.” Does he disprove or undermine trinitarian theology? In this episode, I interact with and evaluate his reasons. You can also listen to this episode on youtube. This this 50th… Read More »podcast 50 – Muslim apologist Dr. Laurence B. Brown on the Trinity

podcast 49 – 2 interpretations of Philippians 2 – part 2

Jesus was “in the form of God,” but chose to empty himself, becoming like us. What do these famous statements by Paul mean? In episode 48, I examined a common evangelical interpretation of this text and found it lacking. In this episode, I compare scripture with scripture, to try to come up with a plausible, understandable, well-motivated interpretation. Can the authors of Genesis, Isaiah, Hebrews, and Revelation,… Read More »podcast 49 – 2 interpretations of Philippians 2 – part 2

podcast 48 – 2 interpretations of Philippians 2 – part 1

Does Paul’s letter to the Philippians, chapter 2 teach that Jesus is God himself, and that at certain point in time about 2,000 years ago, Jesus became a man, letting go of his equality with God, and thereby divesting himself of his glory, or the use of his attributes, to become a human like us, but obedient to the point of death? In this episode we… Read More »podcast 48 – 2 interpretations of Philippians 2 – part 1

podcast 47 – Dr. Alan Padgett, “Informal Reason and the Idea of a Christian Philosophy”

In this episode we hear the audio of Dr. Padgett’s talk “Informal Reason and the Idea of a Christian Philosophy” of April 25, 2014 at Claremont McKenna College, at the retirement conference in honor of Stephen T. Davis. In this wide-ranging talk, Dr. Padgett discusses human reasoning (with special reference to science), and 20th century debates about the idea of a Christian philosophy. You can… Read More »podcast 47 – Dr. Alan Padgett, “Informal Reason and the Idea of a Christian Philosophy”

podcast 46 – Professor Timothy Winter’s Islamic perspective on the Trinity

In this episode I talk with Professor Timothy Winter (a.k.a. Shaikh Abdal-Hakim Murad), an Islamic theologian at Cambridge University. He’s the author of a chapter called “The Trinity is Incoherent” in the 2013 collection edited by J.P. Moreland, Chad Meister, and Khaldoun A. Sweis, Debating Christian Theism. It was paired with a chapter by Dr. Tom Senor, a Christian philosopher from the University of Arkansas, called “The… Read More »podcast 46 – Professor Timothy Winter’s Islamic perspective on the Trinity

podcast 45 – Sir Anthony Buzzard on Christian mistakes

In this less biographical episode, Sir Anthony and I discuss various Christian mistakes: obsession with Hebrew names for God and for Jesus, keeping kosher food laws and Jewish holidays, the doctrine of tithing, and even the avoidance of doctors (as if that showed a lack of faith in God). Another mistake was discarding the simple, messianic gospel preached by Jesus, including his Jewish theology of one God,… Read More »podcast 45 – Sir Anthony Buzzard on Christian mistakes

podcast 44 – The Spiritual Journey of Sir Anthony Buzzard

I first encountered Sir Anthony Buzzard (yes, he’s a real “Sir”, and his wife Barbara a “Lady”) in the endnotes of Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy. Willard had referred to his short book The Coming Kingdom of the Messiah. Buzzard and Willard have in common a deep grasp of the good news of the Kingdom as preached by Jesus, and the centrality of God the Father to… Read More »podcast 44 – The Spiritual Journey of Sir Anthony Buzzard

podcast 43 – Dr. Stephen R. Holmes on God and humankind

Is God a self – a being capable of consciousness, knowledge, and choice, like us, but infinitely greater? Or is God a community, or a something-we-know-not-what? Dr. Holmes’s language in his book  The Quest for the Trinity made me think that he would answer: yes, God is a self, and not a community, or a mysterious Something. I took him to be a one-self trinitarian, and… Read More »podcast 43 – Dr. Stephen R. Holmes on God and humankind

Dr. Stephen R. Holmes's The Quest for the Trinity

podcast 42 – Dr. Stephen R. Holmes on his The Quest for the Trinity

In this episode I talk with Dr. Stephen R. Holmes about his 2012 book The Quest for the Trinity: The Doctrine of God in Scripture, History and Modernity (UK title: The Holy Trinity). In this book Dr. Holmes argues that the much celebrated recent “revival of trinitarian theology” is no such thing. In his view, recent theology has deviated from the course set by the 4th centuries… Read More »podcast 42 – Dr. Stephen R. Holmes on his The Quest for the Trinity

podcast 41 – Stephen T. Davis’s Christian Philosophical Theology

In this episode, Dr. Davis reads short selections from his 2006 book Christian Philosophical Theology (Oxford University Press). As he said in our interview, this book is probably the best place to look for his mature views. Hopefully Oxford University Press will someday release this in paperback and electronic versions. He addresses John Hick’s and others’ “minimal christology” on which Jesus is merely a wise teacher,… Read More »podcast 41 – Stephen T. Davis’s Christian Philosophical Theology

podcast 40 – Dr. Stephen T. Davis on Christians in Philosophy

In this episode I talk with Christian philosopher Dr. Stephen T. Davis on the occasion of the start of his phased retirement from Claremont McKenna College (and the Claremont Graduate University). We discuss his advice for Christians going into philosophy, his views on the most important work done in recent Christian philosophy that most Christians don’t know about, his advice on writing, and his own work… Read More »podcast 40 – Dr. Stephen T. Davis on Christians in Philosophy

podcast 39 – Dr. Craig Evans on Dr. Bart Ehrman’s historical methodology

In this episode, Dr. Craig A. Evans and I discuss the surprising and bold methodological claims about doing history in chapter 4 of Dr. Ehrman’s How Jesus Became God. Along the way we bring up such topics as Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon,  the historicity of the New Testament gospels, the views of David Hume (pictured above) on belief in miracles, the probability of… Read More »podcast 39 – Dr. Craig Evans on Dr. Bart Ehrman’s historical methodology

podcast 37 – Why did Jesus have to suffer?

This is a special Good Friday edition of the trinities podcast: a short pre-concert lecture I was privileged to give before a masterful performance of the 1724 version of Bach’s St. John Passion at SUNY Fredonia, directed by my friend Dr. Gerald Gray. I discuss what the New Testament says about the suffering and death of Jesus, and briefly canvass different approaches to atonement theory in… Read More »podcast 37 – Why did Jesus have to suffer?

podcast 36 – Interview with Dr. Bart Ehrman about his How Jesus Became God – Part 2

Is the author of John confused about Jesus and God? Does he think that two different beings – the Father, and the man Jesus – are numerically the same as the one true God? Some people think so; putting it gently, they talk of the “tensions” (=apparent contradictions) in the book. But is this author that confused? Again, some think that John makes Jesus qualitatively… Read More »podcast 36 – Interview with Dr. Bart Ehrman about his How Jesus Became God – Part 2

Photo by IslandsEnd

podcast 35 – Interview with Dr. Bart Ehrman about his How Jesus Became God – Part 1

In this episode, a conversation with Dr. Bart Ehrman about his How Jesus Became God, and the evangelical response book How God Became Jesus. Dr. Ehrman has given other interviews in which he gives an overview of his project in the book. So skipping that, we jump right into some of his more controversial conclusions, and how he arrived at them. We also discuss the… Read More »podcast 35 – Interview with Dr. Bart Ehrman about his How Jesus Became God – Part 1

podcast 34 – Albrecht vs. Tuggy debate – Was Tertullian a trinitarian? Part 2

In this episode, the final half of my debate with Roman Catholic apologist Mr. William Albrecht. The question: was Tertullian a trinitarian? (Part 1 is here.) First, we take turns cross-examining one another, and then the closing arguments. I’ve shortened the audio here,  but have not cut any meaningful content at all. Who makes the better case? As Fox News says, we report, you decide.… Read More »podcast 34 – Albrecht vs. Tuggy debate – Was Tertullian a trinitarian? Part 2

podcast 33 – Albrecht vs. Tuggy debate – Was Tertullian a trinitarian? Part 1

On March 29,  I debated Catholic apologist William Albrecht on whether or not Tertullian was a trinitarian. In this episode, our opening statements, and rebuttals, slightly edited (“cleaned up”) from the original audio (“in studio” for me, unfortunately, just over the internet for his side – but I did my best to make the whole thing listenable.) You can also listen to this episode on… Read More »podcast 33 – Albrecht vs. Tuggy debate – Was Tertullian a trinitarian? Part 1