podcast 240 – Dr. Beau Branson on the Monarchy of the Father – Part 2
Is the first Catholic conciliar statement about a tripersonal God in the late 9th c.?
Is the first Catholic conciliar statement about a tripersonal God in the late 9th c.?
Can one be a trinitarian without believing in a tripersonal God?
“What bothers me most is the rhetorical move you’re making with this claim that everyone before Nicea (or so) was a ‘Unitarian.'”
“The Trinity doctrine, at least for orthodox Christians, is found in the seven ecumenical councils.”
Is it true that Peter was the first Pope?
Is God in one sense “in” time and in another sense “outside of” time?
How could God allow the church to err on something so important?
Do the NT authors assume that God is the Trinity, or the Father… or are they confused?
Applying the methodology… can we answer the question?
Dealing with this inconsistent triad can be hard!
Can someone with two natures be essentially immortal and die?
“I will host a bonfire at which I and any of you who feel inclined can come and burn our copies of this book.”
In the reign of Constantius II yet another council offered language to replace Nicea…
My paper “On Counting Gods” has just been published in the new TheoLogica journal.
An appealing theological option which is neither Nicene nor “Arian”?
Is there evidence for God’s existence?