podcast 251 – Is the Trinity Biblical? Schumacher vs. Griffin
A 2018 trinitarian vs. biblical unitarian debate.
A 2018 trinitarian vs. biblical unitarian debate.
Biblical unitarianism vs. what Dale calls one-self trinitarianism.
The Father ain’t the Trinity. So, God can’t be both.
Weighing incompatible definitions of trinitarian theology and unitarian theology.
Most Orthodox theologians agree with Catholics and most Protestants that the one God is the Trinity.
A summary of Dr. Branson’s case and an argument against biblical unitarian theology.
…let me comment on your later post where you explained, on a biblical level, what pointed you to converting to Orthodoxy…
Was 381 the dawn of imperially enforced confession of a triune God?
How does one objectively evaluate a definition of a concept, e.g. trinitarian or unitarian?
Is the first Catholic conciliar statement about a tripersonal God in the late 9th c.?
Can one be a trinitarian without believing in a tripersonal God?
“What bothers me most is the rhetorical move you’re making with this claim that everyone before Nicea (or so) was a ‘Unitarian.'”
Some reasons why we should think that the New Testament writers don’t believe that Jesus literally existed before his time in the womb.
Dale interviewed on the God-Talk podcast about biblical trinitarian theology and the Bible.
Is the “extra Calvinisticum” both biblical and theologically helpful?
Would a God who is a single Person fail to be perfect?