Kimel’s review of What is the Trinity – Part 4
The real question, I think, is whether or not this idea about “God” is consistent with biblical teaching.
The real question, I think, is whether or not this idea about “God” is consistent with biblical teaching.
“The Gospel is Trinitarian.” What does this mean, and is it both true and non-trivial?
What Origen actually says vs. what trinitarians wish that he’d said.
Kimel lampoons the biblical unitarian historical narrative, and urges that Irenaeus is a big problem for it.
Dr. James White’s stated reasons for not debating me are based on misunderstanding.
At his blog Faith & Scripture, my friend John interacts with the questions for the reader in chapter 10.
A concise and clear case that the NT authors held a unitarian theology.
Do the NT authors assume that God is the Trinity, or the Father… or are they confused?
“Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee… He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone.”
“Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”
How widely has God’s spirit been active in the world?
The apostles testify to God the creator and his holy servant Jesus.
Many who are often spun as “proto-trinitarian” thought the one true God is the Father alone.
Some unitarian Christians believe that Jesus existed before he was a human, while others deny it.
Dr. White vs. John on the thesis of the 4th gospel.