podcast 94 – review of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus – Part 2
Trinitarian theologies are a major barrier to Muslims accepting Christianity. In this episode we hear how Mr. Qureshi changed his view that the Trinity is a patently ridiculous doctrine.
Trinitarian theologies are a major barrier to Muslims accepting Christianity. In this episode we hear how Mr. Qureshi changed his view that the Trinity is a patently ridiculous doctrine.
Thanks to our friend Alvin Kimel for linking my post Jesus, God, and an inconsistent triad. Check out his post and the ensuing discussion here. Unfortunately, the fact that I’m a unitarian seems to distract him from the actual purpose of the post. He says, In this article he hopes to persuade us that the classical trinitarian doctrine is logically absurd. No. That is not… Read More »dialogue on God, Jesus, and identity with Alvin Kimel
The gripping story of Nabeel Qureshi’s journey from Islam to Christianity.
In this episode of the trinities podcast I answer some of your questions.
Mr. Kermit Zarley is a retired professional golfer and Christian author, having written books on christology and eschatology. In this episode he describes being born again as a teen, his evangelical identity, and his discovery that in the New Testament, Jesus and God are two, namely the human Son of God (Jesus) and the one true God, Yahweh (aka the Father).
This time, some questions that may occur to you about Clarke’s views on the Trinity.
This time, another great Christian thinker, who I discovered some time around 1998.
Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy – its effect on my thinking.
A podcast listener recently emailed me to ask (emphases added): I won’t hide that I’m a happy Trinitarian and yet that I’m thoroughly enjoying your podcast since it provokes my theology and forces me to actually think about why I believe what I believe. This is a healthy check I think. I am puzzled though about why the numerical issue is so important. If Jesus… Read More »reader question on the Trinity and numerical sameness
How does Justin argue from Genesis that even when the world was created, there were two Lords?
In this series I’m going to get a bit more personal.
When it came to christology, what did Justin Martyr consider essential, as in, you’re not a Christian unless you believe it? The answers may surprise you. In this episode we explore the christology of Justin’s Dialogue with Trypho.
What did the famous Justin Martyr teach about Proverbs 8, and why?
Do our earliest surviving post-New-Testament writings interpret Proverbs 8 as being about the pre-human Jesus?
At his blog Cognitive Resonance, Ben Nasmith has some observations about the theology and christology of Acts: …according to Acts, the God of Israel is the one who raised Jesus from the dead and exalted him. As such, Jesus is not the God of Israel. He didn’t raise and exalt himself. Rather, the God of Israel is the Father of Jesus. He is the God… Read More »Nasmith on the theology and christology of Acts
“The Lord created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of long ago.” Is this famous passage in Proverbs 8 about the pre-human Jesus?
In my view, the fourth has been the most misunderstood gospel.
This is a guest post by Mr. Mario Stratta, a frequent commenter on this blog. He works in electronic engineering in Italy, and blogs on theological topics as “Miguel de Servet” at beliefnet. – Dale In the OT we find an obscure reference to the “eternal arms” of God: “The everlasting God is a refuge, and underneath [you] are [his] eternal arms …” (Deut 33:27)… Read More »Word and Spirit: the “Everlasting Arms” of God
Is it a sin to celebrate Christmas, because Christmas is pagan in origin? In this episode I discuss this disputed question, and what I believe the apostle Paul would have to say about this ongoing dispute between Christians.