podcast 374 – Book Session Identity Crisis – Part 3
Q & A time, forgiving sins, Cerberus, and some answers critiqued.
One way apologists misunderstand theos in the New Testament
“It’s not identification, but rather predication.”
podcast 373 – Book Session Identity Crisis – Part 2
Is it true that most ancients lacked the concept of numerical identity?
Is Jesus Human and not Divine? Now published by Wipf & Stock.
Have you heard both sides of this disagreement? This short, readable debate book will help you to go deeper.
podcast 372 – Book Session Identity Crisis – Part 1
Four authors summarize their views on the Trinity.
podcast 371 – Dr. Steven Nemes on divine Christology in the New Testament
Is the New Testament Jesus “divine,” and is he supposed to have two natures?
podcast 369 – Anna Shoffner Brown – Nothing ‘Mere’ about a Man in the Image of God
Can a “mere” human being represent God on the earth? What does the Bible say?
podcast 368 – Dr. Dustin Smith on the Plural of Majesty in the Hebrew Bible
Understanding “the plural of majesty” in the Hebrew Bible.
Jude 4, John 17:1-3, and “only” arguments
Does Jude 4 somehow refute what unitarian Christians say about John 17:1-3.
Help for James White on Identity
Sincere advice on how to move past a merely verbal defense of “the Trinity.”
podcast 366 – Smith and Barlow vs. Nesan and Essary debate – Is Jesus Yahweh? – Part 1
A helpful two-on-two debate from April 2023: opening statements and rebuttals.
podcast 364 – The God who Suffers: a Response to The Reluctant Theologian Podcast 118 Why did God become incarnate?
Evaluating three proposed reasons why God would be motivated to incarnate.
podcast 361 – A Lutheran pastor explains Socinianism and biblical unitarianism
Is it the foundational commitment of biblical unitarians that Scripture must be inoffensive to human reason?
Is Inspiring Philosophy’s Michael Jones a subordinationist unitarian, or is he just confused?
Does Inspiring Philosophy’s Michael Jones have a Trinity theory?