How Trinity theories conflict with the New Testament
Since the beginning, Christians in one God who is one perfect self, the Father.
Karl Rahner on the word “God” in the New Testament
A leading Roman Catholic scholar looks at the use of “God” in the New Testament.
Catholic Theologian Hans Küng on New Testament theology
“For the New Testament, as for the Hebrew Bible, the principle of unity is clearly the one God…”
new co-authored paper: “Dormant Dispositions, Agent Value, and the Trinity”
God can’t be “perfect in love” unless he is multipersonal?
podcast 270 – Origen’s “one God”
Origen sez: you must say that Father and Son are “one God.” But does he think they are?
“What, is the Son supposed to be an atheist?” – Part 4
He assumes that necessarily, any human, as such, is subject to God.
“What, is the Son supposed to be an atheist?” – Part 3
What I would expect to see, if Yahweh himself were to be a man, would be…
“What, is the Son supposed to be an atheist?” – Part 2
“Difference in function does not indicate inferiority in nature.”
“What, is the Son supposed to be an atheist?” – Part 1
Well, OF COURSE God incarnate will have the Father as his god.
podcast 268 – Another look at Philippians 2 with Dr. Dustin Smith
“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus…”
podcast 267 – Andrew Davis on church history, the Trinity, and modalism – Part 2
Why he dismissed biblical unitarian theology and why he decided to give it another look.
podcast 266 – Andrew Davis on church history, the Trinity, and modalism – Part 1
Andrew Davis on the church fathers, the Bible, and finding his way through clashing theologies.
Dialogue with Andrew Schumacher about my recent debate, two natures theories, and the Trinity
Post-debate thoughts and more, in dialogue with an ex-biblical-unitarian who is now a trinitarian.
podcast 265 – What apologists don’t understand about the terms “being” and “Person”
Do I ignore “the” being/Person distinction?