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2 thoughts on “Email Verified!”

  1. I am curious about your thoughts about whether the “Laws of Form” (of G. Spencer Brown) might be a support of the Trinity Doctrine? Physicist H. Bortoft, in his book “The Wholeness of Nature,” demonstrates how these Laws of Form can show “Multiplicity in Unity” In his “Notes” section on part II pages 343 to 347 he seems to show using these Laws Of Form can generate “Multiplicity In Unity.” Yet the New Bible Dictionary (pp. 1298-1300, 1962 Edition) asserts that the Trinity is “Unity in Multiplicity.”
    Have you any comments on this matter?

  2. Hello. First of all, thank you for your theologic munificence. What I’ve learned from has enabled reconciliation of some of my tenuous faith perceptions with incongruous Trinitarian theology and subsidiary gospel teaching.

    Second, is it possible to access all of the Podcast Reviews you’ve posted in the past? I am looking for a particular one.

    Third, I have family with young children wanting to learn about smaller communities in eastern Tennessee, as they are considering relocating there. Can you suggest methodology and resources for that?

    Thank you for your consideration.

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