podcast 176 – Photinus of Sirmium
His views seem to have been those of present-day biblical unitarians.
His views seem to have been those of present-day biblical unitarians.
“I will host a bonfire at which I and any of you who feel inclined can come and burn our copies of this book.”
Marcellus’s theology is a key to understanding the post-Nicea controversies.
Steve Hays provides a stellar example of how not to do apologetics.
McLatchie’s mistake about historical, mainstream Christian theologies.
In the reign of Constantius II yet another council offered language to replace Nicea…
Why did Eusebius have to submit his own creed at the famous council of Nicea in 325?
In 344 a meeting of Eastern bishops sent a statement to the West explaining their theology.
What should we think of Athanasius’s ferocious condemnations of those he termed “Arians”?
Can we justify a distinction between the ‘is’ of identity and the ‘is’ of predication
Sommers questions the doctrine of ‘relationism’, i.e. the view that identity is a relation…
In this episode we hear the rest (chapters 4-7) of On the Nicene Council (aka Defence of the Nicene Definition, De Decretis) by Athanasius of Alexandria.
Just got this in the mail; a very thorough symposium on Dr. Keith Ward’s Christ and the Cosmos,
With this episode we continue our series on the 4th-century creed-producing councils of catholic bishops.
How and why did American Unitarian Congregationalism die?
In this episode we hear a voice from 1852 describing a lost species of American Christianity: