podcast 229 – Buzzard and Hurtado on God and Jesus – Part 2
When a NT author claims that Jesus fulfills an OT text which is about God, is that his way of saying that Jesus is God?
Dale Tuggy (PhD Brown 2000) was Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Fredonia from 2000-2018. He now works outside of academia in Middle Tennessee but continues to learn and podcast.
When a NT author claims that Jesus fulfills an OT text which is about God, is that his way of saying that Jesus is God?
A would-be teacher on trinitarian topics is merely an incoherent tritheist.
An apologist spells out “the Trinity” as incoherent monotheistic tritheism.
A conversation about the New Testament on God, Jesus, and worship.
Is the New Testament position that Christians should only worship God himself?
Did you know that “Trinity” has long been an ambiguous term?
“The Lord” is ambiguous in the NT, though not in the OT.
Rebutting a slanderous and careless “review” by a blogger.
What if you see me raised? Would you believe me then?
Is Jesus referred to as “God” in the Bible, and if so, does this mean that Jesus is the one God himself?
Can these obvious truths pop the bubbles of various theological and christological speculations?
More lessons on how not to do apologetics, from a Master.
Can these trim off the fat of excess speculations?
If God made us to form true beliefs, why do we form false beliefs?