podcast 368 – Dr. Dustin Smith on the Plural of Majesty in the Hebrew Bible
Understanding “the plural of majesty” in the Hebrew Bible.
Understanding “the plural of majesty” in the Hebrew Bible.
A pound of misunderstanding and irrelevance together with a little pinch of relevant but inadequate response.
Cross-examinations, closing statements, and audience Q&A – with post-debate links.
Sincere advice on how to move past a merely verbal defense of “the Trinity.”
A helpful two-on-two debate from April 2023: opening statements and rebuttals.
Has Dr. William Lane Craig put forward what is plausibly a biblical and possibly true two-natures theory about the Lord Jesus?
Is it “Lord” or “Jesus” here? What’s a layperson to do?
Evaluating three proposed reasons why God would be motivated to incarnate.
Is it the foundational commitment of biblical unitarians that Scripture must be inoffensive to human reason?
Does Inspiring Philosophy’s Michael Jones have a Trinity theory?
A prolific apologist embraces so-called “monarchical trinitarianism,” on which the one God just is the Father, not the Trinity.
Dialogue with an apologist about changes of tritheism and “the doctrine of the Trinity.”
What does one do when the search for truth clashes with one’s need to fit in?
Did fourth century Christians come to a consensus about “the doctrine of the Trinity”?
Can a historian conclude that Jesus thought he was God?
An ordinary believer with ordinary reading comprehension can see that “Sharp’s Rule” recommends misinterpretations.
No, God needn’t be “multipersonal” to be “perfect in love.”
Is the “Granville Sharp Rule” + 2 Peter 1:1 and Titus 2:13 “fatal to unitarianism”?