podcast 381 – Mainstream Christian Theologies in the year 240: What Trinitarian Apologists Don’t Know
Can we find trinitarians in the year 240 AD?
podcast 370 – Dr. Steven Nemes’s formal challenge to Trinity theories
Exploring a new argument against any sort of catholic Trinity theory.
podcast 364 – The God who Suffers: a Response to The Reluctant Theologian Podcast 118 Why did God become incarnate?
Evaluating three proposed reasons why God would be motivated to incarnate.
podcast 348 – Novatian’s On the Trinity – Part 2 – Two Thieves and Three Arguments
A very revealing collection of mid-third-century theological arguments.
podcast 347 – Novatian’s On the Trinity – Part 1 – Almost Pope
Sacrifice to the gods, or die. What would you do?
podcast 333 – The Arguments of “God’s Death”
A humorous puppet-show about a serious subject: properly understanding what the New Testament teaches about Jesus and God.
podcast 328 – 13 bad reasons to switch from trinitarian to unitarian
Many are moving from a trinitarian understanding to a unitarian understanding of Christian theology. But not all of their reasons are good reasons…
podcast 327 – Dr. Licona’s historical case that Jesus considered himself to be God – Part 2
Can we establish on historical grounds that the historical Jesus thought that he was God?
some clarifications: a reply to McManus – part 3
Is my definition of the concept unitarian so wide that it would allow in some famous trinitarians?
podcast 291 – From one God to two gods to three “Gods” – John 1 and early Christian theologies
“And the Word was God.” Which one? The same mentioned before, or not?
Who was born on the first Christmas?
What sort of baby was born to Joseph and Mary on the first Christmas?
A clear portrait of the Trinity in action?
Can we simply observe the triune God in the descriptions of Jesus’s baptism?
If Modalism about the Son were true, then…
A claim which implies falsehoods is itself false. Son-modalism is such a claim.
podcast 274 – McManus on Oneness Pentecostal Christology
Can a Christian sensibly say that Jesus is the Father incarnate?
Brown vs. White on the Trinity
How can they respond to an argument which shows that they collapse the Father/Son distinction?