podcast 369 – Anna Shoffner Brown – Nothing ‘Mere’ about a Man in the Image of God
Can a “mere” human being represent God on the earth? What does the Bible say?
Can a “mere” human being represent God on the earth? What does the Bible say?
Understanding “the plural of majesty” in the Hebrew Bible.
Cross-examinations, closing statements, and audience Q&A – with post-debate links.
A helpful two-on-two debate from April 2023: opening statements and rebuttals.
Evaluating three proposed reasons why God would be motivated to incarnate.
A deep dive on divine attributes, processions, and “social” trinitarianism.
What is “mere” social trinitarianism, and why is it controversial among trinitarian theologians?
Is it the foundational commitment of biblical unitarians that Scripture must be inoffensive to human reason?
A thoughtful Baptist confronts his church about biblical vs. later teachings about God, Jesus, and heresy.
You say you’ve looked into the biblical credentials of “the doctrine of the Trinity.” But have you actually read anything by unitarian Christians?
“I had come to this belief truly just through studying the Word.”
Did fourth century Christians come to a consensus about “the doctrine of the Trinity”?
Is there a plausible and biblical “doctrine of the Trinity”?
Is the question absurd? Or does it make sense in light of New Testament teachings?
Can a historian conclude that Jesus thought he was God?
Is the “Granville Sharp Rule” + 2 Peter 1:1 and Titus 2:13 “fatal to unitarianism”?
Some critical thinking about Craig’s Trinity theories: his Trinity monotheism and his minimal tripersonal monotheism.