The Council of Chalcedon (451 CE) condemned Monophysitism and Nestorianism. The following table helps to classify Monophysitism, Nestorianism, and Chalcedonianism.
Nestorianism: 2 natures, 2 persons
Chalcedonianism: 2 natures, 1 person
Monophysitism: 1 nature, 1 person
So Nestorians hold that in Christ, there are two natures (discrete divine and human natures), and two persons (discrete divine and human persons).
Chalcedonians hold that there are two natures (discrete divine and human natures) but one person (Jesus Christ).
Monophysites hold that there is one nature (a special divine-human hybrid nature) and one person (Jesus Christ).
In the next post, I will discuss the basic philosophical issue that these various positions grapple with.