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Book editor Dr. Chad McIntosh has just let us know that One God, Three Persons, Four Views: A Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Dialogue on the Doctrine of the Trinity is now available on the Wipf & Stock site! With the coupon code CONFSHIP you can get 50% off and free shipping!
The book features me, the biblical unitarian Christian, and three accomplished trinitarian scholars: Dr. Beau Branson, Dr. William Lane Craig, and Dr. William Hasker. Dr. Craig is the most famous Christian apologist in the world and is an accomplished philosopher who is currently writing a systematic theology. Dr. Hasker is well-known for his ground-breaking work on open theism and other topics, and has been thinking about the Trinity since the 1960s. Dr. Branson has published on the logical problem of the Trinity, patristics, and other topics, and he brings a unique perspective to this topic.
I think it is a very interesting 4-way argument. I’m happy with the arguments I set out in my opening chapter (which are not unlike these or these), and I believe that my rebuttals of the rival cases are effective. But you, the reader, will have to be the judge. It certainly will stimulate your thinking on the topic. We consider not only the theoretical merits of various ideas about God and the Trinity, but also the alleged supporting biblical texts. Clearly, not all of us can be correct about what Scripture teaches! Read it and then search the scriptures to see whether these things are so.
Thanks to Dr. McIntosh for his vision, hard work, and perseverance without which this book could never have happened!
Hi Dale,
Just as an FYI, when you click “Contributors” on the Wipf & Stock page for this book, only C. A. McIntosh’s name appears. You might want to ask Wipf & Stock to correct that oversight, because I’m sure that there are people who would be more likely to purchase if they knew that you are one of the contributors.
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