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deep dives on Philippians 2 and John 1

I’ve recently had the pleasure of some long live-stream discussions with Josiah of Integrity Syndicate. In this one, I’ve somewhat developed my interpretation of the famous passage in Philippians 2.

God willing, I may re-work my notes here into a podcast some time in 2022. This interpretation is basically what I say here, with some improvements derived from this discussion.

About a week before, Josiah and I discussed the original meaning of John 1, following up on my UCA Conference presentation. This is a good supplement to that, as we follow up on certain issues.

Thanks to Josiah for a couple of good and thoughtful conversations! Check out his other past and upcoming discussions here, and don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button, so that you find out about upcoming episodes. This is a good forum for thoughtful, respectful, and informed discussions with other interested Christians. I appreciate that he acknowledges the difficulty of passages like these, and his charity towards Christians who hold to different interpretations. This is a wisdom which is “peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy.” (James 3:17)

Audio nerds can also observe the differences in the sound of my voice, between a good dynamic mic close to the source (Philippians 2) vs. a decent “shotgun” condenser mic just off-camera (John 1). Listeners to my podcast will recognize that I prefer the former.

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