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Linkage: Impossible World Site and Blog (Dale)

Check it out: a whole site and blog devoted to art featuring impossible objects!

I can’t help but think that the picture above had a trinitarian inspiration: according to the babelfish, it means “You must in such a way live”. (German speaking readers – feel free to correct the translation.) I read this as addressed to the Trinity.

If so, this pic would be an expression of what I call “positive mysterianism” about the Trinity – that the doctrine is, unavoidably given our current epistemic situation, apparently contradictory.

Related: a website where you can print and build your own “impossible” object. (HT: Matthew Mullins) Note to modal logic newbies: necessarily, if it is actual, then it is possible as well. πŸ™‚ Still, this shows that note everything which seems logically impossible really is.