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podcast 250 – Tuggy vs. Brown debate – audience Q&A

Tuggy vs Brown 1 11 19

Our January 2019 debate featured a long question and answer time. It was agreed beforehand that audience questions would be alternated between us, and that the person asked would have two minutes to reply and then the other would have one minute to add their two cents. After the half hour was up, we agreed to go a bit longer, to take questions from the remaining few people who were in line. On the whole, the questions were excellent, and so this part really adds to the substance of the debate.

How did we do? Did any of our answers miss the mark, even miss the point? And who in your eyes won the debate? Did I successfully show that in the Bible the one God just is the Father alone? Or did Dr. Brown prove that to the contrary, the one God is the Trinity?

Tuggy vs. Brown debate, January 2019

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