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podcast 256 – Aaron Shelenberger, from trinitarian to unitarian – Part 3

Jesus explains "I am he" to the Samaritan woman at the well.

In this final part of our conversation former trinitarian apologist Aaron Shelenberger first explains why trinitarian apologists do not think that John 17:1-3 poses a problem for their theology.

Of course biblical unitarianism hardly hinges on that one passage. He notes that in the New Testament only the Father is called “the only true God,” “the one God,” “the only God”, and “the Almighty.”

Next, he discusses Jesus’s claims in the fourth gospel that “I am,” and that he and the Father “are one.” Then: doesn’t Thomas call Jesus “my God” in John 20? Mustn’t then a reader of this gospel agree that Jesus is as much God as is the Father?

A general theme emerges that context is all-important when interpreting John. And there we must pay particular attention to who is talking – the spiritually, or those who “get it” about Jesus? Different characters are playing different roles in the narrative!

Then: who can forgive sins but God alone, and how could Jesus atone for the sins of humanity unless he’s divine? Should these assertions in question form make us agree that the New Testament Jesus “is God”? Finally, he urges apologists to boldly re-examine into these issues with an open mind, knowing that souls are at stake.

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1 thought on “podcast 256 – Aaron Shelenberger, from trinitarian to unitarian – Part 3”

  1. Dale, thanks for the three interviews with Aaron, I really enjoyed them. God bless you Aaron for your commitment to truth. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

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