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podcast 264 – Tuggy vs. Date debate – Jesus is human and not divine – Part 2

1 thought on “podcast 264 – Tuggy vs. Date debate – Jesus is human and not divine – Part 2”

  1. I’m not sure how Dale could have won this debate (he didn’t necessarily lose it, either). Not be because He didn’t make good arguments, but because they were arguments based upon philosophical commitments. Dr T is committed to a particular interpretation of the text only because he is committed to the idea that a divine person cannot become a human being. Trinitarians obviously believe God can become a man, therefore, our interpretation of the text is at least as plausible as the biblical unitarian’s. Chris did equally as good a job defending the deity of Christ and, I believe, won the debate by successfully challenging Dale’s philosophical assumptions and showing how his interpretation of the text (Phil 2:5-8 in particular) is better than Dale’s.

    Dale did a wonderful job of proving that Jesus is really human. No trinitarian disagrees. Paul, John and the rest of the NT authors squash any growing Gnostic like notion that Jesus was a god and not a man. The apostles believed that the Son was both divine and human. That’s my 2 cents.


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