Been tinkering under the hood…
- Try out the search bar here at trinities – upper right. Cool, huh?
- In other news, I have finally given into the Twitter thing. Want to follow me?
- Posts here also automatically go out to Tumblr and Facebook.
- All that social media jazz is now in buttons to the right of each post. (“Follow on…”) Similar icons, but different than:
- the new share buttons. Find a post or podcast you like? Share it on social media or email using the floating bar on the far right of each post – up near the email sign up.
- You can click the little triangles to make it disappear or reappear.
- We still need more reviews for the podcast on itunes and stitcher. These will help more folks to find the podcast. And as long as you’re not calling me a pinhead, I’ll read your review on the podcast.
- Finally, I know the site loads too slow. I’m trying to exercise more discipline on image sizes… so check back soon, and see if it is any better for you.
Related posts:
Congratulations to Joseph
Is Allah God? Goofus and Gallant, Grok and Sophie
"Trinity" in paperback form
Leftow update
update to "Trinity" in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Is the God of the Bible the Father alone?
Housekeeping: non-serious vs. (merely) non-mainstream commenters
MMM unleashed @ trinities
2015: the trinities podcast in review
upgrading, hoping to resolve podcast problems
or to do this…
I hope you enjoy the new features on the comments – in particular the ability to upvote or downvote. 🙂
FYI, I’ve just upgraded the comment system here to the superior, widely used Disqus. If you notice any missing past comments, they should be back soon…
I apologize for broken links within these pages. I’ve changed the post-naming conventions, so that the title is reflected in the url. But that busted links between posts. I’ll be fixing at least some in the coming days.
Comments are closed.