I initially released What is the Trinity? as a paperbook, an ebook, and an audiobook. But the company I used to make and distribute the ebook went out of business! So for awhile there has been no ebook available. But now I’ve republished it is an ebook with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing.
The ebook is now only $3.99 and can be purchased in local currency anywhere Amazon has a store, including the EU, Australia, the UK, Mexico, India, Japan, and Brazil.
Other Amazon ebook perks:
- You can lend the ebook to a friend for 14 days.
- If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free.
- If you buy the paperback, for an extra $.99 you can get the ebook as well. So you can read through it with a friend for about $11! (Give her the paperback and you use the ebook.) Which is good, because this book is designed to be useful both to trinitarian and to unitarian Christians. It is a non-polemical exploration of clashing ideas on this subject, focusing on relevant yet neglected historical and conceptual facts. Its purpose is to equip you to think through these disputed theological and biblical issues.
Naturally, the paperback and audiobook are still available. I have received very positive feedback on both. Basic info and a sample chapter are available on the book’s website.
For more about What is the Trinity? and how it differs from two other books with the same title, check out podcast 190 – What is the Trinity? A triad of book reviews.
Too bad the audiobook is only available via Audible. I refuse to purchase from them because they are too heavy-handed in the way they make it difficult to use their audiobooks. They claim you “own” them, but it’s really a lifetime rental license. How can you confirm this? Try selling your license to someone else. Can’t be done.
I spent hours on the phone with Audible Customer Service trying to get their bloody books to work on my devices, and finally resolved to just purchase from other sellers.
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