podcast 220 – Thomas Reid on First Principles and Common Sense – Part 2
Should everyone know these truths?
Dale Tuggy (PhD Brown 2000) was Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Fredonia from 2000-2018. He now works outside of academia in Middle Tennessee but continues to learn and podcast.
Should everyone know these truths?
Are some truths really self-evident?
Is it true that Peter was the first Pope?
Does Calvinism make God the “author of evil”? Dr. Bignon argues that this charge will not stick.
Is compatibilism about human freedom the key to defending Calvinism?
Have either of two philosophically astute bloggers refuted the Challenge to “Jesus is God” Apologists?
Is saying that the NT “includes Jesus in the divine identity” clearer than saying in the NT “Jesus is God”?
Is the idea of “divine identity” the key to understanding New Testament christology?
On the face of it, the God of scripture changes, so is temporal.
Is God in one sense “in” time and in another sense “outside of” time?
Can we establish and defend the traditional view that God is not in our time?
What sort of thing is time, anyway? Philosophers disagree…
Does the gospel of Mark hint that Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh?
If only trinitarian scholars majored in consistent, intelligible, fully informed answers!
Responding to YouTube videos by Dr. James White, Mrs. Qureshi, and “The Friendly Banjo Atheist.”
“Of myself, I can do nothing.” Is this claim about Jesus’s self/person, or only about his “human nature”?