podcast 214 – Has Bauckham clarified his “divine identity” theory? – Part 2
Is saying that the NT “includes Jesus in the divine identity” clearer than saying in the NT “Jesus is God”?
Is saying that the NT “includes Jesus in the divine identity” clearer than saying in the NT “Jesus is God”?
Is the idea of “divine identity” the key to understanding New Testament christology?
On the face of it, the God of scripture changes, so is temporal.
Is God in one sense “in” time and in another sense “outside of” time?
Can we establish and defend the traditional view that God is not in our time?
What sort of thing is time, anyway? Philosophers disagree…
Does the gospel of Mark hint that Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh?
If only trinitarian scholars majored in consistent, intelligible, fully informed answers!
Responding to YouTube videos by Dr. James White, Mrs. Qureshi, and “The Friendly Banjo Atheist.”
“Of myself, I can do nothing.” Is this claim about Jesus’s self/person, or only about his “human nature”?
How could God allow the church to err on something so important?
Is reforming in light of scripture only acceptable in the distant past?
Do we need reconciliation to God, while he doesn’t need reconciliation to us?
Does God’s justice demand that he can’t forgive unless he gets full payment for sin?
Did Christ die in order to display God’s love for us, rather than his wrath towards us?
Did God punish Jesus on the cross with the punishment due us all?
What must I do, or what must I believe, to be saved?