podcast 234 – Dr. James R. Gordon on the extra Calvinisticum – Part 2
Is the “extra Calvinisticum” both biblical and theologically helpful?
Is the “extra Calvinisticum” both biblical and theologically helpful?
The “extra Calvinisticum” and the coherence of Chalcedonian christology.
A leading Christian philosopher explains his “Social” Trinity theory.
Would a God who is a single Person fail to be perfect?
When a NT author claims that Jesus fulfills an OT text which is about God, is that his way of saying that Jesus is God?
A conversation about the New Testament on God, Jesus, and worship.
Is the New Testament position that Christians should only worship God himself?
Did you know that “Trinity” has long been an ambiguous term?
“The Lord” is ambiguous in the NT, though not in the OT.
Is Jesus referred to as “God” in the Bible, and if so, does this mean that Jesus is the one God himself?
Can these obvious truths pop the bubbles of various theological and christological speculations?
Can these trim off the fat of excess speculations?
If God made us to form true beliefs, why do we form false beliefs?
Should everyone know these truths?
Are some truths really self-evident?
Is it true that Peter was the first Pope?
Does Calvinism make God the “author of evil”? Dr. Bignon argues that this charge will not stick.
Is compatibilism about human freedom the key to defending Calvinism?
Have either of two philosophically astute bloggers refuted the Challenge to “Jesus is God” Apologists?