trinities 2021 highlights – a grateful review
A review of the most interesting trinities podcast episodes from 2021.
A review of the most interesting trinities podcast episodes from 2021.
Opening statements and rebuttals.
Live-streamed discussions with Josiah of Integrity Syndicate on two famously difficult New Testament texts.
The original meaning of John 1, disentangled from later speculations about Trinity and two natures christology.
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things, love.” So far, so good. But, what does Scripture say is essential teaching about Christ and about God?
What would we expect to find in the New Testament writings if the authors thought Jesus was a man, a god, or a godman?
A humorous puppet-show about a serious subject: properly understanding what the New Testament teaches about Jesus and God.
Would you stand by your biblical convictions at the cost of your job and your freedom?
What the priest was thinking in charging Jesus with “blasphemy.”
Is Jesus in Mark 14 claiming to be a divine Person within God?
Does a doctrine of divine processions entail that the Son is less divine than the Father?
Many are moving from a trinitarian understanding to a unitarian understanding of Christian theology. But not all of their reasons are good reasons…
“…in light of five undeniable facts about the New Testament texts, we can know that the authors of the New Testament thought that the only God was just the Father himself, not the Trinity.”
Dear Christian, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about God and me.
If God is essentially immortal, the answer must be: No. But the human Jesus of the Bible was then mortal.
Does Scripture clearly teach that “Jesus is God”?
Why “that’s just Philosophy” is no excuse for a failure of basic critical thinking.
Cross-examinations, discussion, closing statements, and audience Q&A.
“…in the New Testament Jesus is not worshiped ‘as God’ (whatever that may mean) but, instead, with reference to God, as the Son of God, as the Lord appointed by God…”