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In Jesus’s famous Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), as so convincingly explained by the late Dallas Willard in his The Divine Conspiracy, Jesus illustrates the goodness of the reborn heart, the moral make-up of a true citizen of the Kingdom of God. Not only does such a person refrain from adultery, but he refrains from actively lusting for others. Not only does such a person not kill, but he doesn’t even insult or despise others. Not only does such a person not take revenge, but he even loves his enemies and prays for those who persecute him. He’s eager to forgive others for their sins against him, conscious that he frequently needs God’s forgiveness.
Jesus-is-God apologist, YouTube star, and professed psychopath Dr. David Wood recently had his channel de-monetized by YouTube, which he replied to with something akin to a middle finger. You can see it here.
For culture warriors this is standard fare. He’s a victim fighting for justice in complete innocence while being assailed by dastardly and inexcusably wicked but powerful baddies. Admittedly, it is frustrating when YouTube censures one without really saying what the infraction was. I’m not a fan of the ruling class’s censoring ways, though I can understand why someone might think Wood’s aggressive and sometimes crude mocking of Muhammad and Islam goes too far. But to call this “censorship” isn’t quite right; YouTube is not a government, and Wood has long enjoyed and profited from the benefits of being on that commercial platform. Perhaps it’s more like offending the manners of one’s host – a host whose manners you disagree with, of course.
But it struck me how in his culture warrior role Wood simply ignores Jesus’s aforementioned teachings. He harshly denounces the social media worker(s) who flagged his videos and demonetized his channel as problematic “some of the sickest people on the planet.” That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?
But that’s just a warm-up. While Jesus’s teaches us not to wield the insult “fool” or “empty head” (maybe more equivalent to our word “dumbass”) and to love and pray for those who persecute us, Wood denounces his censors as
…the most revolting people in the world…losers…morally insane cowards…ego-maniacal morons sitting in your safe-spaces…power-tripping techno-sheep…screw you and the narcissism that drives you.
Perhaps Dr. Wood needs to choose between being a Kingdom warrior and being a culture warrior – at least, the sort of culture warrior he’s been thus far, one who feels that the justice and importance of his cause warrants ignoring Jesus’s clear teachings. He would be well-advised to recall Jesus’s ending to that profound sermon:
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!”
Matthew 7:24-27, NRSV
But Dale you can’t call anyone out, you are going to Hell yourself. The language is atrocious but you worship the devil and you put that out there for everyone to see. But then you call it Christianity. You basically use the bible to worship Satan and you got exposed badly in the debate against Anthony Rodgers as someone is so incoherent you can’t make a reasonable argument. You are no different than Ravi Zacharias as you are a hypocrite and a spiritual whore. You are willing to yoke up with any demonic force and any demonic political party. You have supported the democrat party which supports baby murder, homosexuality and human sex trafficking. Repent or Perish.
Normally, I would delete such a stupid and vile comment, but since our topic is the wickedness involved in David Wood’s brand of apologetics, here we go!
Christians, is this how we deal with theological and exegetical disagreements? What would Jesus do?
To set the record straight about my politics, I have never voted Democrat, but I am what people call a Never Trump Republican. But I suppose my loyalty to the Republican party is hanging by a thread these days, given how Trumpy it has become.
Last two elections I voted Libertarian for president.
Democrats support sex trafficking? Is this QAnon nonsense? God help us.
Here are the words of a true Kingdom Warrior:
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites…children of hell…blind guides…fools and blind…whitewashed tombs…serpents…brood of vipers” (Matt 23).
Maybe there is sometimes a case for calling empty-headed morons “empty headed morons.”
There are a lot of things I think Jesus can do that I would not trust myself to do. I take seriously his warning that I should take care how I judge, lest that standard be applied to me.
You’re a retarded faggot if you seriously think systematic social media deplatforming isn’t a form of censorship. You’re too much of a pussy to take a stand on any important issues like Wood has, you just sit on the sidelines and circlejerk about christology while thinking you’re doing something meaningful and profound. You’re not, you’re a self-aggrandizing ivory tower circus clown and you deserved to get bullied in high school. Consider suicide.
Folks, sorry about the language. I approved this comment because I think we need to take an honest look at some of the “fruits” of the ministries of people like David Wood and Sam Shamoun. It ain’t pretty! Our friend here should remember that the Lord Jesus will hold him accountable for his words.
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