Call me a satisfied customer – I had a great time at the Eastern Regional Conference of the Society of Christian Philosophers this weekend. Thanks to Patrick Toner and Wake Forest University for their great hospitality! The program was very strong. To mention just a few sessions:
Paul Herrick present a paper analysing and endorsing Richard of St. Victor’s main argument for the Trinity, and we had a good time discussing that. (Stay tuned, by the way, for the end of the series on Richard here.)
I presented a (barely) half-baked paper on constitution trinitarianism. Jeff Brower was kind enough to come to the session and point out that one of my objections was just plain confused. It was great talking to him afterwards. Now, back to the drawing board. 🙂
Speaking of Jeff, his plenary session was one of the best I’ve ever seen anywhere. Jeff presented a fascinating and carefully crafted paper, I believe part of a book-to-be on Aquinas on the metaphysics material objects, in which he argued that Aquinas holds a heretofore unexplored version of the substratum theory of concrete particulars. (Complementary) critical comments were given by the inimitable Hud Hudson, and some great dialogue ensued.
To my fellow attendees – hope to see you again next year. To everyone else – don’t miss out next year!
I wish I was there!
I’d love a summary of Jeff’s paper. Or, maybe I’ll just ask him for it….
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