podcast 357 – Seminary student takes Trinity class, becomes unitarian – Part 2
You say you’ve looked into the biblical credentials of “the doctrine of the Trinity.” But have you actually read anything by unitarian Christians?
You say you’ve looked into the biblical credentials of “the doctrine of the Trinity.” But have you actually read anything by unitarian Christians?
“I had come to this belief truly just through studying the Word.”
What does one do when the search for truth clashes with one’s need to fit in?
Did fourth century Christians come to a consensus about “the doctrine of the Trinity”?
Is there a plausible and biblical “doctrine of the Trinity”?
Is the question absurd? Or does it make sense in light of New Testament teachings?
Can a historian conclude that Jesus thought he was God?
An ordinary believer with ordinary reading comprehension can see that “Sharp’s Rule” recommends misinterpretations.
No, God needn’t be “multipersonal” to be “perfect in love.”
Is the “Granville Sharp Rule” + 2 Peter 1:1 and Titus 2:13 “fatal to unitarianism”?
Some critical thinking about Craig’s Trinity theories: his Trinity monotheism and his minimal tripersonal monotheism.
Discussing trinitarian vs. unitarian Christian theologies with Dr. William Lane Craig.
A very revealing collection of mid-third-century theological arguments.
Sacrifice to the gods, or die. What would you do?
Does the New Testament teach that Jesus’ exaltation changed him from human to divine?
At his resurrection and ascension, was Jesus promoted from humanity to divinity? Well, what are humanity and divinity?
Evaluating Dr. Craig’s unique take on “two natures” christology, his “Neo-Apollinarian” theory.
Does Dr. Craig’s “Neo-Apollinarian” theory about Christ show how one person can be both divine and human?