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podcast 238 – Dialogue with a Catholic Listener

In July I was honored to receive a long and detailed letter from a Catholic listener – one who was raised in a biblical unitarian denomination – Mr. Kirk Ross, an estate planning attorney and  author. He confronts me on a number of issues and lodges several complaints.

He writes, in part,

You make a very big deal out of the fact that different philosophers interpret traditional Trinitarian creedal language differently, i.e. there are multiple “Trinity theories.” …I think you are trying to imply that they must all, therefore, be wrong.

And later,

Rhetorically, you refer to Biblical Unitarianism as if it were some sort of monolithic theological view (as opposed to the fractured views of the Trinity). That is quite wrong… Your type of Unitarianism (even if it was present in the first century, which I do not necessarily grant) is awfully hard to find among the church Fathers (if it is there at all).


Quite bluntly, the doctrine of sola scriptura is logically inconsistent and cannot be right.

In this episode, I read his entire letter and respond section by section. I acknowledge some good points, correct some mistaken impressions, and in some cases argue back.

Links for this episode: