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In the ancient Chronicles of Johann, there is a passage that, strangely, some have found hard to understand. It concerns the great King Pierpont of Frackland, and his queen Ethel, to whom he had just granted powers of granting citizenship. See how well you do in understanding this brief passage:
17 After Ethel, Queen of Frackland had spoken these words, she looked at King Pierpont and said, “King Pierpont, the hour has come; glorify your Queen so that the Queen may glorify you, 2 since you have given her authority over all the people of Frackland, to grant citizenship to all whom you have given her. 3 And this is real citizenship, that they may faithfully serve you, the only real king, and Queen Ethel whom you have sent.”
Johann chapter 17, verses 1-3

Here is your reading comprehension quiz:
1. In her speech the Queen presupposes that the number of genuine kings of Frackland is
a. exactly one.
b. more that one.
c. what she assumes about the number of Frackland’s kings can’t be determined by what she says above.
2. If it turned out that the King Pierpont’s brother Schlomo was also a real king of Frackland, then what the Queen assumes about King Pierpont in verse 3 above would be
a. true.
b. false.
c. undetermined – from that fact about Schlomo we couldn’t infer anything about the truth or falsity of her assumption
Let him who has eyes to read, read carefully.
Still blurry-eyed? Here’s another eye-opener.
(Indisputably correct answers: a, b.)