podcast 275 – Exposing Dr. Heiser to actual biblical unitarian thought
Do Genesis 48, 1 Samuel 3, and Jeremiah 1 refute biblical unitarian views on God and Jesus?
Do Genesis 48, 1 Samuel 3, and Jeremiah 1 refute biblical unitarian views on God and Jesus?
Can a Christian sensibly say that Jesus is the Father incarnate?
How could the Incarnation continue between Good Friday and Easter Sunday?
What does it take to defend conciliar christology… and more?
Origen sez: you must say that Father and Son are “one God.” But does he think they are?
“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus…”
Why he dismissed biblical unitarian theology and why he decided to give it another look.
Andrew Davis on the church fathers, the Bible, and finding his way through clashing theologies.
Do I ignore “the” being/Person distinction?
Interrogations, closing statements, and audience Q & A.
The debate question is: Jesus is human and not divine.
Do we find trinitarian theologies in early Christian authors?
Arguing about what is essential to a trinitarian theology, and about a seemingly incoherent Trinity theory.
Can it be easily shown that the Bible implies that God is tripersonal?
No, the NT does not teach that Jesus created the cosmos.
What do both OT and NT clearly teach about who created?
Reading the gospel of John in its first-century context is eye-opening!
How could God allow mainstream Christian doctrine to go astray?