trinities 2021 highlights – a grateful review
A review of the most interesting trinities podcast episodes from 2021.
podcast 341 – Reflections on my debate with Dr. Andrew Loke
In the New Testament, is the Father God himself, or does the Father rather represent the one God?
podcast 340 – Does the New Testament teach that Jesus is truly divine? – Loke vs. Tuggy – Part 2
In saying “my Lord and my God” does Thomas confess that Jesus is truly divine?
the NET Bible on Mark 13:32
“The straightforward meaning of the text is that the Son does not know the time of his return.”
R.T. France on Mark 13:32
“Whatever later readers may have made of it, Jesus’ ‘confession of ignorance’ seems to pose no embarrassment or even surprise for Mark.”
podcast 339 – Does the New Testament teach that Jesus is truly divine? – Loke vs. Tuggy – Part 1
Opening statements and rebuttals.
deep dives on Philippians 2 and John 1
Live-streamed discussions with Josiah of Integrity Syndicate on two famously difficult New Testament texts.
podcast 338 – What John 1 Meant
The original meaning of John 1, disentangled from later speculations about Trinity and two natures christology.
podcast 337 – Chris Date’s Search for a Viable Trinity Theory – Part 2
Could each divine “Person” of the Trinity be either an attribute of God or God together with an attribute?
podcast 336 – Chris Date’s Search for a Viable Trinity Theory – Part 1
Is there a Trinity theory which is both orthodox and coherent? One apologist’s suggestions, with commentary.
podcast 335 – Pastor Jeff Deuble’s Christ Before Creeds
“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things, love.” So far, so good. But, what does Scripture say is essential teaching about Christ and about God?
podcast 334 – “Who do you say I am?”
What would we expect to find in the New Testament writings if the authors thought Jesus was a man, a god, or a godman?
podcast 333 – The Arguments of “God’s Death”
A humorous puppet-show about a serious subject: properly understanding what the New Testament teaches about Jesus and God.
podcast 332 – Emlyn’s Humble Inquiry
Would you stand by your biblical convictions at the cost of your job and your freedom?
Debating John 1: Eusebius vs. Marcellus
A forgotten 4th c. debate: Is the Logos of John 1 a divine being in addition to God, or a power and energy of God?
John A. T. Robinson on “the Word” of John 1
“Incarnation” means initially that God’s love and power had been experienced in fullest measure in, through and as this man Jesus.
Bock and Loke on Jesus’s “blasphemy” in Mark 14 – Part 2
What the priest was thinking in charging Jesus with “blasphemy.”
Bock and Loke on Jesus’s “blasphemy” in Mark 14 – Part 1
Is Jesus in Mark 14 claiming to be a divine Person within God?